Episode 03 — How to Setup & Leverage OZ Operating Businesses
OZworks Group member Len Mills of Verte OZ Fund joins a moderated panel with business owners who represent the Verte OZ portfolio of Qualified Opportunity Zone Businesses (QOZBs). This is a segment of the full event in which we heard true stories about the biggest challenges these businesses faced in setting up and leveraging their QOZB companies, how they sourced investment, and what their advice is for others launching QOZBs.
This public session was part of the OZworks Group Virtual Panel Series which are events that are typically only accessible to OZworks Group members. These events provide a resource for learning, discussing, and solving OZ challenges!
IMPORTANT: Please note, these are LIVE events and the full recording is only available to OZworks Group members. Visit www.ozworksgroup.com to become a member of OZworks Group and see you there:)